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Xingtan Lufeng Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hunan, China
Produk utama: Peralatan peleburan Zinc, perlengkapan peleburan Zinc, peralatan peleburan tembaga, peralatan peleburan kadmium, peralatan peleburan logam Non-Ferrous lainnya.
Full Customization
Electrolytic system
lead refining equipment
Min. Order: 5 pieces
Min. Order: 1 set
Min. Order: 1 piece
Min. Order: 1 piece

This equipment is widely used in manufacturers of aluminum orlead alloy ingots and zinc alloy ingots. It has the characteristics of automatic aluminum water distribution, adjustable casting speed, automatic ingot tapping and demolding, high production efficiency, uniform aluminum ingot weight, no large or small ends, and smooth surface.

The casting process has a high degree of automation and low labor intensity. The casting mold is made of ductile iron, with a long service life

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